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Carlos Andres Melo Luna, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems


  • University of Bayreuth (Bayreuth Universität), Chair of Spectroscopy for Soft Matter (Lehrstuhls für Spektroskopie weicher Materie), Germany. Ph.D.

  • University of Valle (Universidad del Valle), Quantum technologies and complexity group, Colombia, Ph. D.

  • Centre for bioInformatics and Photonics, University of Valle, Postdoc

  • University of Valle, Physics Department, Colombia: MSc & BSc Student

What's your background?

I am a highly curious physicist with a background on light-matter interaction. In particular, I have experience developing and carrying out experiments to extract information from different kinds of systems via light and optical techniques.

What's your role at LRC?

I am currently involved in investigating and developing concepts and experiments related to the origin and evolution of biological complexity. I am particularly interested in using machine learning tools with the hope to develop new scientific and technological insights.

What trend, breakthrough or discovery are you most excited about?

I am excited about the recent developments in unconventional computing. These methods can open up new ways to process information via physical, biological and chemical systems.


As a researcher in the Centre for Bio-information and Photonics (CIBioFi), Andres Melo coordinates the creation of new facilities for spectroscopy, quantum information, remote sensing, and biophotonics.  In his Ph.D. he applied optical spectroscopy to investigate novel materials for solar cells and quantum information processing. He characterized novel perovskite systems as single-photon emitters to integrate information protocols. Furthermore, he identified the decoherence mechanisms to enhance quantum information transmission employing optical fibers. He obtained a bi-national Ph.D. degree in 2019, in a close collaboration between the Universidad del Valle in Colombia and the University of Bayreuth (Lehrstuhl für Spektroskopie weicher Materie). He has also experience in stochastic processes and quantum information, as well as laser spectroscopy in the single-molecule regime. More recently, he has been exploring the field of machine learning and is eager to apply his experience in the context of biophysics and complexity.  

Research Interests

I am currently interested in understanding the origin and evolution of biological complexity employing physics-based and machine-learning techniques. I am also interested in the design and development of novel biological experiments from a multidisciplinary perspective.


Real‐time observation of iodide ion migration in methylammonium lead halide Perovskites
C Li, A Guerrero, Y Zhong, A Gräser, CAM Luna, J Köhler, J Bisquert, ...
Small 13 (42), 1701711

Emission enhancement and intermittency in polycrystalline organolead halide perovskite films
C Li, Y Zhong, CAM Luna, T Unger, K Deichsel, A Graeser, J Koehler, ...
Molecules 21 (8), 1081

Quantum locality in game strategy
CA Melo-Luna, CE Susa, AF Ducuara, A Barreiro, JH Reina
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1-11

In situ investigation of light soaking in organolead halide perovskite films

Y Zhong, CAM Luna, R Hildner, C Li, S Huettner
APL Materials 7 (4), 041114











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Global Viral ("DBA" Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

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