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June 23, 2022: Congratulations to Jean-Marie Volland for his publication in Science Magazine on a very large bacteria, Ca. Thiomargarita magnifica, which was discovered in the mangroves of Guadeloupe. This bacteria is so large compared to most other bacteria that  “it would be like a human encountering another human as tall as Mount Everest.” - Jean-Marie Volland. Click Here and Here to learn more

Covered by a multitude of outlets around the world including Nature, Science (Commentary), NPR, NyTimes, CNN, BBC, and hundreds of others!

Here's a great post by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, who made it possible for LRC to continue research on complex systems.

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November 18, 2021:  We are very excited to announce the addition of two new members to the LRC team: Dr. William Warren, as a member of the Board of Directors, and Dr. Frederik Schulz, as Visiting Scientist. Read on to learn more about Bill and Frederik.  More >

May 3, 2021:  In our second edition of the LRC’s team member spotlight, we are excited to feature Dr. José Jaramillo-Villegas. Dr. Jaramillo-Villegas is the LRC’s first Senior Fellow based in Colombia who will help strengthen the organization the region. José is a 2012 Fullbright Scholar with a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University. Read on to learn more about Jose.  More >


March 17, 2021: LRC proudly announces the soft launch of Sample Exchange, a free global platform that allows researchers from both academia and industry to share, exchange and license research products that are collected or created in the lab! 


Visit the website to learn more:

​February 16, 2021:  In our latest Medium blog post, LRC Scientist Jean-Marie Volland details he and his family's RV trip down the California coast to La Jolla to collect samples. Volland, who specializes in microbiology and microscopy, was due to travel with colleagues but given COVID-19 travel restrictions, he made the most of a difficult situation and collected some amazing samples along the way. Visit our page at to read more about his journey.

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January 28, 2021:  Welcome to the first edition of LRC's team member spotlight series. This series of posts will highlight the accomplishments and contributions of the LRC's scientists, fellows and thought leaders who contribute to the groundbreaking and disruptive research endeavors. This month, in our inaugural team member spotlight, we shine the light one of our newest additions, Daniel Ling. Ling, a technology Investor, Applied Math Researcher, and Entrepreneur, joined the LRC just this past fall and has already hit the ground running contributing extensively to thought pieces circulating on the LRC's various social media outlets. Read on to learn more about Daniel and why the LRC is grateful to have this bright mind and thought leader aboard.  More. >















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Global Viral ("DBA" Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

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